Are you in charge of booking speakers for your group?

Need a Speaker?

Whether in Calgary in person or on Zoom, I can help!   From smaller to large groups, it is my pleasure to present my signature presentation where I explore the age old dilemma of “A Closet Full and Nothing to Wear”. We cover why we have cluttered closets and a step by step process on how to declutter, purge, maximize space and organize your closet.  As a personal colour consultant, I also explain why colour is important to your emotional state as well as your appearance. We demonstrate colour draping on volunteers after the presentation.

Contact me at to book.

Presentation Gallery and Reviews

Harry Rosen 70th Anniversary Celebration- Draping Demos on Guests

Calgary Colour Analysis
Calgary Colours Done
Calgary Colour Draping

What an incredible night celebrating Harry Rosen’s 70th Anniversary on September 26th, 2024! I was honored to take part by Colour Draping the guests at the Calgary event. It was such a fun and classy evening! Thank you, Ian Rosen, (shown here with me) and your amazing staff for a most memorable event!

Clogs 4 Comfort at Beacon Hill Shopping Centre November 14, 2023

Calgary Colour Analysis
Calgary Colours Done
Calgary Colour Draping
Wow! What a great Ladie’s Night Event and turnout. About 45-50 women showed up to hear my presentation and indulge in snacks & beverages and shop the amazing selection of European shoes and boots. Truly a Gem of a shoe store. Check them out Clogs4Comfort

The Bra Girl Downtown Store in The Core July 28, 2023

“It was a total pleasure for our group to have Mona present. She is the best!  The Ladies are still talking about “The most enjoyable program meeting ever” and how quickly the afternoon went by. Indeed, most pleasurable, as well as learning.   A great combination!  I loved her presentations, she is so personable, well researched & offered our group a lot of new information with a well put together presentation.  I wish her well as she continues.”


Mona Rioux’s presentations “A Closet Full & Nothing to Wear!” and “Colour Me Happy” were fun, compelling and highlighted the importance of an organized wardrobe as well as the appropriate choice of clothing colours.  The tips and advice she gave our group of Seniors aligned with their needs to live a simplified and decluttered life.  Mona made a great impression on everyone with her friendliness, claritiy and knowledge of the subject matter.
Heather Bhatty – Director, Seniors in Marda Loop”